Marblehead: My parents, M&M, gave us this bumper sticker. Marblehead, MA is not only the town I grew up in and graduated High School from but the same goes for my father. My mother grew up in the "city of sin" :) Although Marblehead is a town I have not lived in for over 15 years, it is still a place I care about. I have brought my hubby to all my favorite places in town many times (Ft. Sewell, Redd's Pond, Old Burial Hill, Old Town Hall, basically anything in Old Town - oh and don't forget Deveroux Beach) and he has grown to appreciate some of the same things I love about the town. Although I don't see us ever living there in the future I know Marblehead MA will forever be a place I can always call home!
Thanks Mom & Dad - I love having my childhood hometown on the VW!
READ: J works with my husband and I have met her on a number of occasions (hi J!). J wrote "Baker Books gives these out to customers at their store in Dartmouth, Ma and at the Working Waterfront Festival in New Bedford in the Fall. Baker Books is one of my favorite independent bookstores - lots of New England Whaling history and lore books, lots of Portuguese stuff, lots of nature stuff, etc. We go there twice a year; January after the Moby Dick reading and September during the Waterfront Festival to stock up!"
Thank you so much J. Before you sent L home with this sticker I had never heard of this bookstore but now I have been on their website and checked them out. I can understand why you and N find this place to be one of your favorites - they have lots of neat stuff! This was a great addition to the GTI - Thanks Again :)
American Barbecue: Well, I asked who left this sticker on the VW in the last blog entry and we found out... this is a great story :) We have lived in a condo building for the last five years and although there are many units in our building we know most of our neighbors fairly well, well at least we thought we did :) :) :) So our neighbors S&D have been building a home up in Rowley, MA for the last four years and they are finally moving (so sad for us). When we saw this sticker on the GTI we thought it might be from S&D because it was from Rowley but then I remembered S telling us she was a vegetarian so the thought of any Barbecue place being someplace they frequented and enjoyed seemed kind of "off". A few days later we saw them in the parking lot and the conversation went something like this...
S: so our bumper sticker was not good enough for your GTI? (sarcastic and teasing)
Me: we thought that was from you guys but we found it odd that you would give us a BBQ sticker when you are a vegetarian
D: who's a vegetarian
Me: S told us she was a long time ago
D: she is NOT a vegetarian, she eats meat, we eat at the American BBQ all the time
-Total Silence :)
S: D, I don't always eat the meat - honestly, they make the BEST garden burgers and have the most amazing french fries and onion rings
Me: so wait, are you a vegetarian or not
S: well... D: NOT - responding at the same time :)
Too Funny!!!! Well, S your cover is blown, we now know you really eat meat and we now also know who left that sticker on our car, mystery solved! Just blogging this story was worth getting that sticker and putting on the GTI, Thanks S&D :)